The Digital-Transformation Alliance is a global, non-profit organization of leaders, innovators, entrepreneurs, institutions, communities, and passionate from global digital and technology-based business and economy, united by our vision of a vibrant inclusive and sustainable digital innovation economy that benefits all people.


Our purpose is a sustainable inclusive digital economy where everyone can access and master digital skills and tools to create and shape own future and thus achieving own visions and a better quality of life.


We realize this by connecting, sharing, disseminating, show casing, empowering, enabling and co-creating content, solutions and new opportunities.

We advance excellence in education, research, and entrepreneurship to support the growth of high-impact industries, the creation of high-wage jobs, and inclusive economic prosperity.

  • Build a human-oriented strong network and a multilateral eco-system
  • Create innovation and co-creation spaces and platforms (e.g. incubations, labs, etc.)
  • Design training and coaching programs
  • Organize events, conferences, bootcamps
  • Support policy makers, conduct research, elaborate and establish standards
  • Engage in collabotaring activities abroad

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